List of pages

  • View and visit our ICS members and partners online.

  • Provider collaboratives bring NHS providers together to achieve the benefits of working at scale across multiple places, to improve quality, efficiency and outcomes and address unwarranted variation and inequalities in access and experience. In the Black Country we have emerging collaboratives across our providers of acute and community care (including mental health) and increasing collaboration across our primary care services.

  • The Black Country Primary Care Collaborative has been established to promote the interests, wellbeing and sustainability of Primary Care services and more importantly, to ensure that a single voice for primary care is properly heard in decision making at all levels. 

  • All GP practices, and most practices in England, work together in groups known as Primary Care Networks (PCNs). These bring together a group of closely connected local practices, along with community, mental health, social care, pharmacy, hospital and voluntary services to work together in the best interests of their local population.

  • Read more about the Black Country Partnership VCSE Alliance - a forum for the voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector to work with NHS partners and Black Country Together CIC - formed by the four Councils for Voluntary Service in the Black Country.

  • Healthwatch partners in the Black Country are working together to be the public champion for both health and social care services.

  • Dedicated to reducing health inequalities for social housing residents, our Health and Housing Forum is a new innovative partnership led by whg (Walsall Housing Group) in partnership with the ICB (Integrated Care Board).

  • The mission for West Midlands Police is to work in partnership to make communities safer.

  • West Midlands Fire Service operate 38 fire stations across the West Midlands with 1,164 firefighters working to make the West Midlands safer, stronger and healthier.