The Black Country Insight Library is a centralised bank of reports and resources, accessed via the FuturesNHS platform, to support partners in developing collaborative improvement projects that involve communities, reduce health inequalities, and address the wider determinants of health.

Resources might include reports and case studies, evaluation, prevention, and Population Health Management tools, examples and pathways for community engagement and co-design, and resources aligned to the CORE20PLUS approach. 

The aims of the Insight Library are: 

  • Support and empower people working in the Black Country to understand and address the issues that matter to our communities, prevent them from accessing services and achieve excellent outcomes.
  • Support collaboration between organisations around gathering insight and intelligence by enabling links to be made between individuals/organisations who are working on the same area or wanting the answers to the same questions, maximising scarce resources. 
  • Support the use of a variety of methods for gathering insight and intelligence, moving away from an over-reliance on surveys to methods that nurture and use existing relationships. 
  • Collect and organise insight and intelligence being gathered across the system to make it easily accessible and searchable.  
  • To provide a space for sharing excellent examples and best practices which can be replicated or ‘scaled up’ where appropriate.  
  • The Insight Bank is our new way to store the information we have gathered as partners across the ICS. As we grow and develop more insight it will be stored here. 

If you need any help or further information, please get in touch with the team

Useful information

Here is a screenshot of the library when you log into the FuturesNHS platform:

Screenshot of Insight Library on FuturesNHS platform

The Black Country Insight Library is a centralised bank of reports and resources, accessed via the FuturesNHS platform, to support partners in developing collaborative improvement projects that involve communities, reduce health inequalities, and address the wider determinants of health. Resources might include reports and case studies, evaluation, prevention, and Population Health Management tools, examples and pathways for community engagement and co-design, and resources aligned to the CORE20PLUS approach. 

The reports uploaded will be visible in the public domain and Personal Identifiable Information mustn't be included. Submitted reports must be provided on this basis and the submitting organisation takes responsibility for this. 

Access to the Insight Library is not limited to people living or working in the Black Country. All reports submitted should be readily available in the public domain, and therefore could be accessed by anyone, at any time. 

Reports will be allocated themes. These are aligned to the Healthwatch England themes. 

The Insight Library is hosted on the FutureNHS online platform. To access this the user will require a login. A request to join will need to be sent, which will generate a sign-up email to the nominated account. This does not need to be an NHS email account. 

You can find out how your data is used and held by FutureNHS by reading the FutureNHS Privacy Policy

Our Insight Library includes a discussion forum. This is intended to provide space for peers and colleagues to meet and interact, share learning and support one another. Discussions should be in line with the following aims and values: 

  • All comments and questions should be polite, respectful, and inclusive.  
  • Responses should be relevant to the original post and concise 
  • Links to external resources should be checked for accessibility 
  • If you have seen an inappropriate comment please notify the BCICB involvement team through the link of the home page of the site.