Healthier planet. Healthier people.
Climate change poses a major threat to staff, patients, and their communities. This is because there is a direct link between the health of our planet and the health of our people. As a system, we are acting to reduce the harmful gases it puts into the atmosphere. Fewer emissions will mean fewer patients with asthma, heart disease, and cancer. It will also reduce any disruption to the delivery of the care we provide.
We’ll be sharing greener initiatives for the people of the Black Country here.
Black Country ICS is hosting five placement students to support greener projects
Students will be working on projects one day a week starting in January until April.
ICS Green Plan Refresh
Behaviour change program
Greener Inhalers
Warm Homes Prescription
Climate Adaptation and Risk Assessment
Students will be working with colleagues across the system to support and deliver workstreams. Providing students with hands-on experiences embedding sustainability in a complex organisation such as the NHS.
We hope by hosting the students we will also have additional resources, skills and insight to help with the Green Plan refresh and support project management for the workstream and developing long-term campaign plans to achieve our goals.
Health and climate adaptation report
Our 2025 Health and climate adaptation report highlights stakeholder and expert insights, it outlines progress in building resilience, identifies further opportunities for adaptation, and provides recommendations for the health sector.
It aims to help local, regional, and national teams prepare for and respond to climate change while delivering on statutory net zero commitments.
Improving patient outcomes and reducing carbon emissions for asthma patients
NHS England has also developed a short animation for clinicians treating patients with asthma and COPD, explaining how they can improve patient outcomes and reduce carbon emissions through:
- Ensuring early and accurate diagnosis
- Optimising disease control following local or national guidelines
- Carefully selecting an appropriate inhaler using a shared decision-making process with patients
- Asking patients to return all unused or unwanted inhalers to pharmacies for appropriate disposal