Looking for an apprenticeship in primary care?

If you are interested in an apprenticeship in primary care please head to the government’s ‘find an apprenticeship’ service website and ‘NHS jobs’ to search for opportunities.

Apprenticeships offered range from Health Care Assistant, Trainee Nursing Associate, General Practice Assistant to reception and business administration apprentices.

Already working in primary care?

The Black Country Training Hub links with education providers to support training developments within Primary Care, including apprenticeships.

Apprenticeships commonly undertaken in Primary Care are:

  • Receptionist
  • Upskilling Existing Reception and Administrative Staff to Health Care Assistant Level 2
  • Health Care Assistant Level 3
  • Trainee Nursing Associates (Newly added to ARRS)
  • Registered Nurse Degree Apprenticeships (Newly launched)
  • Team Leader/Supervisor

If you already work in primary care in the Black Country and are interested in pursuing an apprenticeship please speak to your employer or contact the training hub at primarycare.blackcountry@nhs.net to find out what apprenticeship opportunities are available. Apprenticeships are open to all ages from level 2 to 7 and are a great way for employers to upskill their existing employees.

Apprenticeships are employer-led so if your employer agrees to send you on an apprenticeship programme you will combine work with study to gain skills and knowledge in a specific role spending at least 20% of working hours on ‘off the job’ training with your chosen training provider for the duration of the course.