Elevate your professional expertise with ‘Update Your Knowledge’ training with Library and Knowledge Service.


Our comprehensive training sessions are tailored to empower staff and students with the essential skills to effectively search for and utilise evidence in their roles.


  • Finding Evidence - Monday 19th August 2024, 1:30 – 3:00pm (Training via Microsoft Teams)

An introduction to healthcare databases available and the techniques needed to search them. Course description.


  • Critical Appraisal - Tuesday 3rd September 2024, 12:00 – 1:30pm (Training via Microsoft Teams)

An engaging and practical overview of what is required to understand and appraise journal articles with confidence. Course description.


Unlock your potential and contribute to delivering the best in patient care. Book now and transform the way you engage with evidence and research in healthcare.


Contact your library team to book training and for more information.