Free evening webinar available to all pharmacists delivering services across the Black Country!

Topic: "What does good note taking look like for all Pharmacy Services"?

Jaz Dhillon will be leading the session, with support from Sukhy Somal and the LPCs. 



At the recent Pharmacy training events, all colleagues said they would really appreciate some more training.  We have listened to your request and so please find details of the first in a series of training events that have been arranged to meet your requests on the 30/07/2024 – 7:30pm to 8:30pm.


This session will cover what the GP practices would like to see from their Community Pharmacists when offering services, this is going to be even more important in line with GP connect.

We will also have a questions and answers session to support any queries pharmacists are having, as well as letting you know about some of the future exciting sessions coming up.


Please join by clicking on the below team’s link

Microsoft Teams Need help?

Join the meeting now

Meeting ID: 362 931 457 652

Passcode: 3GtTGr

If you have any Locums that would benefit from this session, please feel free to share the meeting link to join the webinar. 

Please can I ask that you take a few minutes to fill in the registration form using the following link (this is not essential to join the webinar, but it helps to assess numbers and supports the development of future offers):


We look forward to seeing you there!