Under the Equality Act 2010, organisations have a legal duty to make changes in their approach or provision, called reasonable adjustments, to ensure that services are as accessible to people with disabilities as they are for everyone else. This duty aims to address the recognition that people with disabilities may have equal access to care and services, but without specific adjustments being made, that access may not be equitable.

Following the publication of the Reasonable Adjustment Digital Flag Information Standard we will be running a webinar which aims to:

  • Raise awareness of Reasonable Adjustments, the requirements of the Reasonable Adjustment Digital Flag and why it is so important.
  • Ensure understanding of what needs to be in place to meet the legal requirements
  • Showcase the resources that have been developed to support practices with implementation
  • Provide a forum to ask questions

Dates available 

  • Wednesday 23rd October 1-2pm 
  • Thursday 28th November 12.30-1.30pm

To register please click on the link: https://forms.office.com/e/cM2VqmtYbe