Dr Mavi is the principal GP at Wordsley Green Surgery and Clinical Director for KW PCN. He has a special interest is cardio metabolic medicine.

Dr Mavi will be chairing the following sessions and share primary care interpretation of the evidence and provide meaningful QI projects for attendees.

Lip Management - 13th March @ 12:30pm-13:30pm

Heart Failure 9th April @ 13:00pm - 14:00pm

Chronic Kidney Disease 8th May @ 12:30pm - 13:30pm

Ischaemic Heart Disease 11th June @ 12:30pm - 13:30pm

Obesity 2nd July @ 12:30pm - 13:30pm

Lipids Part 2 18th September @ 12:30pm - 13:30pm

Diabetes 9th October @ 12:30pm - 13:30pm

Hypertension & AF 5th November @ 13:00pm - 14:00pm

Public Health 4th December @ 12:30pm 13:30pm

 Please see attached flyer for more information on the upcoming session