You can make changes in your workplace and at home to support Greener NHS in the Black Country

Calling all Black Country NHS staff.

Climate Change is impacting our health now. That’s why we’re working towards Net Zero by 2040, but we can’t do it alone. 

Just one of the impacts of climate change is heatwaves. In 2022, the UK experienced record-breaking temperatures, 40C at Heathrow! In the Black Country we saw temperatures around 26-38C. Heatwaves are becoming more frequent and lasting longer than ever before, this is a result of a disrupted climate. Extreme heat puts pressure on our bodies which worsen pre-existing conditions such as heart disease and asthma. Last year heatwaves resulted in 3,271 excess deaths in the UK alone. According to the CCRA3 Technical report, the number of heat-related deaths in the UK could increase to 7,040 deaths per year by 2050. 

We want to hear from you. Come along on 24 May and hear from the regional Greener NHS team, our executive lead Tom Jackson and our local workstream leads about what changes/suggestions you can help to make and how you can play your part at our day event.  

We need to act now, book your place today!