Our documents archive is home to the key documents from our previous Integrated Care System (ICS) covering the Black Country and West Birmingham. Some of this work will continue for the new Black Country ICS and new strategies and plans are being developed to reflect this.

Primary Care Strategy 2019-2024
Our five year strategy sets out how we will work with GP practices and other partner organisations to agree a programme of work to develop and sustain primary care services across the Black Country and West Birmingham.

Healthwatch Report for the Black Country and West Birmingham Sustainability and Transformation Partnership (STP) - June 2019
This report outlines the key findings from community engagement activities to gain insight into how people view local healthcare services. The report aims to shape local action to support the delivery of the NHS Long Term Plan.

Clinical Case For Change - December 2018
Clinical leaders from across the Black Country and West Birmingham have agreed twelve clinical priorities to improve the health and care outcomes of local people. The twelve priorities are part of a 'clinical case for change' for delivering integrated health and care services.

Academy Strategy 2021/2022
This document sets out our vision for the academy along with key steps we need to take to achieve it. It also contains examples of the important steps we have already taken. See the annual report 2021/22 for work achievements and plans between April 2021 and March 2022.

People Board Achievements 2021-2022
This document sets out the achievements made during 2021-2022 by the BCWB ICS People Plan Workstream. See also the one page summary.