The Black Country ICS is hosting the next round of virtual development workshops to keep everyone informed of the way that health and care are working together.

The workshops will take place during October, November and December, with each one focused around the following themes – place-based partnerships, provider collaboratives and health inequalities.

Stakeholders, including health and care staff from NHS and Local Authorities, primary care colleagues, community and voluntary sector partners, patient and public representatives are all encouraged to attend.

Find out more about the workshops below and book you place.


On 1 July 2022, the Black Country ICS was formed and within it the NHS Black Country Integrated Care Board (ICB) and Black Country Integrated Care Partnership (ICP).

Our ICS, known as Healthier Futures, brings providers and commissioners of NHS services together with local authorities and other local partners to plan and deliver joined up health and care services, and to improve the lives of people who live and work in the Black Country.

Recognising that this is new, we are hosting our next round of virtual stakeholder workshops to keep you all informed of the way that we are working together. You can find out more about our previous workshops..

Each workshop will be led by Jonathan Fellows, Black Country ICP and ICB Chair, Mark Axcell, Black Country ICB Chief Executive, along with leaders from our local health and care partnerships.

Delivering integrated health and care in each local place

Thursday 6 October 2022 | 1.30pm to 3pm

Attend this workshop to hear from local leaders and understand:

  • What do we mean by place based partnerships?
  • How are they formed in Dudley, Sandwell, Walsall and Wolverhampton?
  • What are their priorities?
  • What success have they had so far?

NHS providers working together to improve services

Thursday 10 November 2022 | 1.30pm to 3pm

Attend this workshop to hear from local leaders and understand:

  • What is a provider collaborative?
  • Why are NHS providers working together?
  • What are they working on and why?
  • What success have they had so far?

Tacking local health inequalities

Thursday 8 December 2022 | 1.30pm to 3pm

Attend this workshop to hear from local leaders and understand:

  • What do we mean by health inequalities?
  • What are the local health inequalities and who do they affect most?
  • What are we doing to tackle them?
  • What success have we had so far?

Book your place 

Visit Eventbrite to book your place. Virtual meeting links will be sent via email prior to each workshop.

For more information, please email