The First 5 Network is currently unavailable and as soon as we have any updates regarding this offer, they will be posted here.

If you need any support in the interim please contact

The Black Country First 5 Network encourages peer support, exploration of career opportunities and small group learning for GPs in the first 5 years of their career. 

The Network is aimed at GPs (salaried, partner, trainee or locum) in the Black Country and is free to attend. 

You will have the opportunity to: 

  • Plan for a successful and rewarding career 
  • Learn skills (practical and clinical) to make your days in practice better 
  • Use group mentoring to problem solve and help you achieve your next goal 
  • Meet peers from across the area 

Meetings are currently held online via MS Teams and are led by GP Facilitators Dr Thuva Amuthan and Dr Anant Sharma.

Dr Anant Sharma.jpgDr Anant Sharma

I have been a GP for 10 years as sole Partner, in the recent past worked in the local CCG, chaired various meetings and been involved with Wolverhampton VTS teaching. I am a proud father of three and more often than not able to drop them off and pick them up from school. I enjoy playing football, riding my bike and spending time with the kids while still being able to run a GP service I am proud of. I am excited to be a F5 facilitator because I enjoy passing on tricks of the trade, problem solving, unlocking potential, networking with colleagues and helping people grow.



Dr Thuva Amuthan.jpgDr Thuva Amuthan 

I am a GP working in Walsall as a dermatology fellow. With an entrepreneurial mindset, I have ventured into digital health, strategy consulting and run an aesthetic clinic. I also have privilege of representing you on the BMA regional council and the faculty. In my spare time, I love hiking and water sports with a passion for the outdoors.

"Meeting a group of people similar age to me in similar stages of their career has helped me build up my own personal network.” 

"By going to the network meetings and getting the opportunity to talk to people, it really helped me think about where I might want to work.” 

"The First 5 Network has been absolutely fantastic. If it wasn’t for network, I think it would have taken me much longer to settle into the area professionally and socially.” 

“Thanks so much for today’s meeting, I found it really useful. Also, I wanted to say thank you so much to all of you for putting such a great deal of time, effort, energy and resources into this. Not only the content which is insightful but also meeting people regularly each time helps build connections which provides a supportive environment.” 

Practices will be reimbursed for locum costs ('backfill') to release the first 30 salaried/partner GPs who attend, on a first come first served basis. 

Please note, GPs working substantively in Black Country practices are eligible for backfill; trainees and locums will not receive payment for attending. GP Fellows are automatically funded via their Fellowship agreement.