Peer Mentoring scheme closed on 31 March 2024 and we will not be receiving any further applications.

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Primary Care Peer Mentoring 

All clinicians in primary care are invited to access a fully funded peer mentorship including backfill to all clinical staff, at any point in their career. The scheme is intended to improve job satisfaction and retention in primary care for both mentees and mentors.

This is a nationally recognised shceme, which has been offering support and career guidance to colleagues since 2018.  

It provides one-to-one support for individuals who would like to have a confidential discussion about a range of personal and professional topics. This may include: 

  • transitioning into primary care after training
  • exploration of portfolio careers
  • personal development opportunities
  • preventing burn-out
  • quality improvement
  • time management
  • health and wellbeing concerns
  • business skills
  • or anything else.

Each mentee has access to up to 12 hours of mentoring over 12 months, with the frequency and length of sessions negotiated between the mentor and mentee depending on individual requirements. Sessions can be carried out in person at a mutually agreed venue, online, or by phone. 

In this short video, two mentors and one mentee of the peer mentoring programme describe why clinicians in primary care should sign up.

Mentoring is a learning relationship, generally focused on long-term professional and personal development. The primary purpose is to drive personal growth, building skills, knowledge, and understanding.

Mentors support and encourage their mentees by offering suggestions and knowledge, both general and specific. The goal is to empower mentees to find their own solutions to any problems or questions they may have and support them to achieve their goals.

There is good evidence that peer support and mentoring is an effective way for colleagues of all professions to manage a range of issues, which ultimately contributes to achieving a more positive experience at work.

Mentees can benefit from:

  • advice on identifying strengths and overcoming weaknesses
  • guidance on professional development 
  • the opportunity to cultivate new skills and knowledge
  • increased motivation and job satisfaction 
  • the opportunity to develop more focused and supported goals 

There are 14 mentors from a range of healthcare professional backgrounds. Meet the mentors in this brochure.

To access the scheme, you must be working in primary care in the Black Country, either as an employed clinician, trainee, or locum.

Simply complete a request form stating who your preferred mentor is and we will ask them to contact you within ten working days of the request.

The form asks you a few simple questions to help the mentor prepare for your first session. This information will not be shared with anyone outside the Training Hub and the sessions are completely confidential.

Each mentee has access to up to 12 hours of mentoring over 12 months, with the frequency and length of sessions negotiated between the mentor and mentee depending on individual requirements. Sessions can be carried out in person at a mutually agreed venue, online, or by phone.  

Once you have concluded your sessions, we will ask you to complete a feedback form to help us measure how effective the support has been.

To access the mentoring please complete this online form.

Here's some comments from our recent mentees about their experience of the peer mentoring programme:

"Mentoring was initially recommended to help develop my leadership and management skills as my career was progressing and becoming salaried partner for a large organisation. At this early stage of my GP career, it was great to be able to discuss my career aims and how best to achieve these in the most realistic timescale."

"I felt I needed support while I started my career after qualification. I had three face-to-face sessions with my mentor where I had guidance and support. I felt a regular mentor is needed for anyone who is newly qualified."

"I found my mentor extremely supportive at a challenging time. We were able to discuss clinical work, managing workload, as well as expectations and negotiations between an employer and employee."

"I have had a brilliant experience with the peer mentoring scheme. It has given my career a sense of clarity and direction, which was lacking prior to engaging with the programme. I would highly recommend it to anyone wanting to further their career aspirations."

"I accessed the peer mentoring scheme at a time when I was unclear on my future career goals and was close to experiencing burnout. Having 1:1 time with an experienced mentor gave me the opportunity to discuss my thoughts, aspirations, and worries, which enabled us to come up with an action plan to help me get ‘back on track’. Through the support of my mentor, I have been able to hone my strengths and pursue a portfolio career of my choice, which has invigorated my passion for primary care. I cannot thank my mentor enough for their positivity and guidance. I would highly recommend this scheme to all my peers, and please do not wait until you feel burnt out before you access this invaluable support."

"A mentor is someone who allows you to see the hope inside yourself and helps you to achieve what seems difficult. A truly great mentor is hard to find, difficult to part with, and impossible to forget."

"I have had three meetings so far, and I have found the meetings really helpful, my mentor is great at listening and trying to help me find solutions to help, then being able to provide direction and guidance to help address clinical, managerial, and personal issues. I am finding it really valuable having a mentor outside of my organisation and I am hoping to really utilise this time to plan how I can best use my skill set in future clinical roles."