Managing Director, Tim Johnson

Managing Director Tim Johnson explains why apprenticeships are so vital to the Council and what a large range of roles are on offer.

Adele Squire – City Planning Systems

Manager has recently completed the L5 Operational Manager apprenticeship and has now progressed onto the L7 Senior Leadership Apprenticeship. Adele talks to us about her apprenticeship within the council.

Sara Roberts

Sara completed her L3 Business Administrator Apprenticeship and achieved a distinction for her final assessment. She works in the Electoral Services Team and has now progressed to a L4 Business and Professional Administration Apprenticeship. 

Sophie Lampitt 

Sophie completed her L3 Payroll Apprenticeship and gained a distinction for her final assessment. She has since gained permanent employment in the HR/Payroll Team. 

Nyhiem Howl and Charlie Woodward

Having previously completing their L2 Apprenticeships, both Nyhiem & Charlie have now completed their L3 Surveying Technician Apprenticeship and progressed into permanent roles within the Planning Team.

Kye Barton

Kye completed his L2 Children and Young People Apprenticeship and has now progressed to a L3 Customer Service Apprenticeship in the Carer Support Team. 

Melissa Moran

Melissa completed her L2 Children and Young People Apprenticeship and will be starting her new L3 Learning Mentor Apprenticeship in the Supported Housing Team in 2021.

Amy Pote

Amy works in the L3 Scrutiny & Systems Team and completed her L3 Business Administrator Apprenticeship in 2020, she has now progressed to a L4 Apprenticeship.

Amanpreet Thamrat

Amanpreet had previously progressed from a L2 Apprenticeship and went to complete his L3 Digital Marketing Apprenticeship last year and is now working as an ICT Support Technician. 

George Burre

George completed his L3 Business Administration Apprenticeship while he was working in the Licensing Team, he has now progressed to a new role as a Commercial Waste Logistics Officer and is completing a Customer Service Apprenticeship.